Welcome to CYPE

CYPE is an institution that offers parenting (child development) and entrepreneurship seminars to parents, workers and youths. We are dedicated to helping parents and caregivers build strong and harmonious family relationships so that children grow up in a supportive environment fostering the critical values of respect, cooperation, responsibility, and competence. We know that an encouraging home environment is strongly connected to positive mental health and wellness in children, teens, and adults.

We also provide Guidance & Counselling to Individuals, Families and Organizations. This service helps people navigate difficult life situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress and the loss of a job. It provides the tools and insights to manage mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Ultimately, counseling empowers people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Lastly, we work closely with teachers and train them to make teaching materials for children using available resources. We also offer workshops on Montessori teaching and learning materials for teachers.


Our mission is to empower Parents, Youths and Workers with Parenting and Enterprenuership Skills.


Our mission is to empower Parents, Youths and Workers with Parenting and Enterprenuership Skills.


Our mission is to empower Parents, Youths and Workers with Parenting and Enterprenuership Skills.


Our main aim is to empower Parents, Youths, Workers with Parenting and Enterprenuership skills.

Cosmas Madulu - Lead Trainer