Our Services

Service Provided By CYPE

We offer various services to our clients

Wellness Programs

A wellness program is an organized and coordinated program that aims to enhance the physical, emotional and mental health of a person. The Wellness Wheel is a tool used by CYPE for self-exploration that can help you survey choices or situations that impact your overall wellness. Each of the 8 dimensions are interconnected and equally important i.e Emotional, Envionmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

For the corporates, workplace wellness programs not only fight the upward trend of unhealthy employees, but also decrease medical care costs and insurance premiums. What are the benefits of a Wellness Program? Increases Productivity, Improves Health Behaviours, Increases Employee Engagement, Reduces Stress and Decreases Absenteeism

Seminars for Parents

Our Parenting Seminars give parents of toddlers to teens the knowledge to understand the underlying causes of their children’s behaviour, and the practical skills and tools they need to address problems right away.

The seminars are developed around how you can cope with your child’s development, different types of parenting and discipline styles,

We provide you with the right resources and help to evolve and better your skills and educate you on different techniques to use at home when communicating with your child.

Capacity Building For Teachers

Realizing the importance of professional development of teachers, the CYPE has initiated steps to organize capacity building programs for teachers at all stages of school education – Kindergarten, Primary upto Secondary.

The aim of the programme is to equip teachers in content and pedagogical competence such that they can seamlessly blend the same into classroom practices. Our training modules include: Classroom Management, Effective Teaching Strategies, Motivating Self/Others, High - Order Thinking, Self - Development, Leadership Skills and Life Skills

Guidance and Counselling

We provide Guidance & Counselling to Individuals, Families and Organizations to help our clients overcome obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing. Counseling provided by trained professionals can make a profound impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities.

This service helps people navigate difficult life situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress and the loss of a job. It provides the tools and insights to manage mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Ultimately, counseling empowers people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Seminars for First Year University and College Students

The transition from high school to university or college is a big change. Finding a university/college and academic program is the first hurdle, but how you balance classes, study time, and other commitments is what determines whether you’ll sink or swim.

CYPE provides seminars designed to help students make a positive adjustment to college through discussing, writing, and critically thinking about a variety of relevant topics.

Seminars for Workers at Vulnerable Children Centers

CYPE has been at the forefront in the response to the needs of vulnerable children and youth. There are many reasons why children and youth all over the world become orphaned or vulnerable, including the consequences of armed conflict, disease, extreme poverty and malnutrition, child abuse (including child labor and child trafficking), and severe disability.

The purpose of these seminars is to help workers understand and use different approaches to serve orphans and vulnerable children. Participants will develop skills in obtaining social support; providing counseling; and Addressing stigma as well as documentation, monitoring and reporting.

Workshops on Material Making For Teachers Using Available Materials

It is difficult to imagine today’s educational process without the use of various teaching and learning resources. We train teachers to make teaching and learning materials for children using available resources.

Teaching materials come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have in common the ability to support learning. The purpose and importance of teaching and learning materials is to make lessons interesting, learning easy and enable teachers to easily express concepts.