CYPE Trainers

Our experienced and accomplished trainers
Cosmas Madulu
Chief Trainer

Cosmas Madulu is a Psychologist & Parenting Expert with many years of experience working with children in Montessori environments. Cosmas also has vast experience working with children, parents and teachers, he always aims to inspire and enable individuals to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of children, their families, and their community.

Lucy Gibson
CYPE Trainer

Cosmas Madulu is a Psychologist & Parenting Expert with many years of experience working with children in Montessori environments. Cosmas also has vast experience working with children, parents and teachers, he always aims to inspire and enable individuals to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of children, their families, and their community.

Dr. Emmanuel Moses Kakikulu
CYPE Trainer

Dr. Emmanuel Moses Kakikulu holds a Doctor of Medicine Degree (M.D) from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science (MUHAS), Tanzania. He has also served in various leadership capacities in the past including notably the Chairperson of Tanzania One Health for Central and East Africa (OHCEA) association of Medical students.